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Catholic Campaign For Human Development (CCHD)
Archdiocese of Baltimore

Catholic Social Teaching

Seven Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching

  1. The Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers - 3.52 Minutes
  2. Life and Dignity of the Human Person - 3.27 Minutes
  3. Solidarity - 3.56 Minutes
  4. Rights and Responsibilities - 3.30 Minutes
  5. Option for the Poor and Vulnerable - 4.27 Minutes
  6. Call to Family, Community, and Participation - 3.45 Minutes
  7. Care for God's Creation - 3.05 Minutes

Color the World with Justice -- Themes of Catholic Social Teaching Coloring Activity
Catholic Social Teaching Coloring Book Instructions
Catholic Social Teaching Coloring Book

Superhero of Justice - Interactive Activity Kindergarten up to Third Grade

Take a Step Illustration of Advantages, Disadvantages and Factors Leading to Poverty - Version for Middle and High Schools

The Two Parts of Social Ministry

Economic Justice for All - Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy
U. S. Catholic Bishops, 1986 - A Pastoral Message

Social Justice Toolkit - Catholic Charities

The Social Justice Toolkit is comprised of resources, activity ideas, volunteer opportunities, and community organization profiles that highlight the social justice principles informing our mission over the years. It is our hope that this toolkit serves as a resource for you to continue to write that history in your own neighborhoods and faith communities. Opportunities within are organized around the seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching, which challenge us to live the call to holiness.

Download the Social Justice Toolkit

Parish Social Ministry of Catholic Charities, Baltimore Maryland

- Poverty USA   -  America's Forgotten State

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